Linda Chan
Linda Chan was born in 1947, in Guangzhou, China. Her childhood in a rural village while simple, was significant in shaping her artistic world view. Catching dragonflies, tadpoles, frogs and fish, and mucking about in fields and streams gave her an early appreciation of nature’s gifts. The freedom to run about until dusk was short lived, however, when it was deemed necessary to join the rest of her family in Hong Kong. After a harrowing afternoon at a beauty salon (hooked up to electric curlers!) in order to look like a city kid, the country mouse had to learn to become a city mouse. She stayed in the bustle of Hong Kong until she immigrated to Canada in 1967.
Although interested in art at a young age, she did not actively study art until after marriage and having children in 1984, when she began to learn Chinese watercolor painting from local artists. She never did formal schooling in art and is predominantly self-taught. She would attend workshops held by visiting artists from Hong Kong and China, and a smattering of night classes at Mount Royal College. Over the years, Linda has experimented with watercolor, ink, acrylic and oil paints, but the subject has always been the natural world around her.